Went to a mobile fair at Giant taman connought.. the phone there wasnt really that cheap... but it was a fair price.. There was this CSL phone which just have basic color phone sell at RM78.. LoL.. I figured I want to try it but eventually decided not to.. (thinking that people might call me cheap o_O)
As I move along with my nephew, we found an odd booth.. It sell a simcard with 010.. Its called XOX.. Not your ordinary celcom, maxis, or digi huh? the amoi promoting the simcard was cute or so my nephew said.. -.-"
Amoi: "Come2, buy 1 simcard free 1 simcard.. Special promotion punye.. Dalam simcard ade rm5, Simcard cume rm8.80, dlm tu ade rm5 so 2 dah rm10, u beli manyak untung. "
Us:"Beli 1 dpt 1? (mcm tak percaye)"
Amoi: Betul punye.. U beli la nombor manyak cantik. baru2... you beli 1 utk girlfren you laa.
Us:*tersentap coz takde gf* "Tp rate call camne pulak?"
Amoi:"nah ni pamplete dia.. rate2 ade situ.. You beli simcard ini dpt 100 msg percume setiap bulan selama setahun.. kalo mcm itu kirenye2, 12 ribu mesej percume ye?
Us:"1200 la..mane 12 ribu!"
Amoi:"ha tu la bnyk untung.. Also kalo u topup rm10 aa, kite bagi ini percume (rantai ape ntah), pastu kalo u topup rm30 , kte bagi ini t-shirt percume *showing her t-shirt)..
My nephew whispering to me: "cakap kat dia kalau kite topup rm30 kte nak tshirt yg dia pakai bole tak?"
Me: "ahahha ko ckp la.. mcm ko nak topup.. rate dia agak mahal.. tepon seminit 35 sen kire standard ke cane?"...
Nephew: "Tak tahu la.. kite men mesej je la."..
Us:"oo.. tp kalo orang msj nombo ini mahal tak?"
Amoi:"kene tengok la dia pakai ape, maxis ke celcom ke digi ke."
Us:"ok kalau maxis?"
Amoi:"kalo maxis aa, urm, kene tgk juga dia pakai ape.. prepaid ke postpaid ke laa."
Us:"ok kalau prepaid?"
Amoi:"urm kalau prepaid aa, urmm... saya pun tak tahu juga! saya cume promote ini simcard saje.."
Us*LOL????* tadi cakap kene tgk tu mcm tau je .. haiz..
Amoi:"ala nombor ini awak bole upgrade punye.. kalo u rase mahal, bole tukar nombo ini jd maxis ke celcom ke ikut u la.."
Us:"oo ok la kami beli" *pilih2 nombo*
End up buying a XOX number.. 0103177647.. Message me when u have the chance :P will be disposed after the rm5 abes -.-"
quote of that day "Aku beli nombo ni sbb amoi ni cun n baek layan kite" Yes, Trees can move LOL..
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